Head shot of Teri MorrowSge:no, Deyowidron’t ni’gya:sǫh, otahyoni niwagesyao’dę:, gayago̱ho:no^ niwage̱hwęjodę.

My name is Teri Morrow, wolf clan from Cayuga nation.

I am a BORN Regional Coordinator working on the Indigenous (First Nation, Inuit and Métis) Wellness Portfolio.  I work in my home Nation of Six Nations of the Grand River.

I am one of less than 30 Indigenous Registered Dietitian's and have been a front-line registered dietitian and the only dietitian from my Cayuga Nation across Canada. I am the chair of the Aboriginal Nutrition Network of Dietitian's of Canada and have worked in Health, Governance and Social/Educational Research for over ten years. I’ve tabled traditional health and wellness at National tables such as Heart and Stroke Foundation, First Nations Inuit and Health Branch/Canada’s Indigenous Food Guide, Aboriginal Cancer Care Ontario, Dietetic Indigenous Student and Intern programs across Canada and Food Policy and Security tables.

I have a Honours Bachelor of Science degree with a minor in psychology from the University of Western Ontario and completed my dietetic internship at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. My Master degree is a Master of Arts in Cultural Studies and Critical Theory and my Masters Thesis centered around decolonization of the education systems in Ontario and Canada.

I attend the Lower Cayuga longhouse and practice my Gayogohono Language of my Nations. I practice and engage with the Haudensaunee ceremonies and governance of the Six Nations of the Grand River and look to support youth in the journey to engage knowledge keepers from my Haudensaunee Confederacy of Clanmothers and Chiefs.

Learn about BORN's work re: Indigenous Data Governance